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Post by adrenaline »


who is rating players? did asmo give himself 4 balls? :lol:
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Re: haha

Post by wwo »

I think it's for sub purposes. At least, that's what I keep telling myself as I rock gently to long-awaited sleep.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

It's for sub purposes. We aren't using the standard ratings from the past (although it is very similar). I think we rated about 6 people 5 balls when in reality if we were doing it by the standard system there would only be one.

We had 5 players that rated everyone and we took the median # from the 5 raters.

Pretty sure every rater gave me a 4, but I guess it's too far fetched of an idea for you to comprehend that the person that just beat you in 3 tournaments in a row(about to be 4) is actually better than you :)
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Re: haha

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

its 2014 adren. you are the only person who still cares about ball ratings.
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Re: haha

Post by wwo »

kirk ~ -2 balls, borrows balls from immigrants
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »


I hope that was said in jest, in which case, I like that you have a sense of humor.

Also, take a look back at the last 3 tournaments. I assume you are referring to your draft tourney (that I did not play in), MWC (that I hardly played in), and the latest draft tourney (which was me + gkg + myrk on a team... didn't we win that one?). As for this TWS... I agreed to play for the first team that added me on the condition that I wouldn't be showing up much, so ya... I wouldn't take too much pride in "beating me" in a tourney that I show nearly zero interest in.

*disclaimer: I'm really only talking shit because these forums are sorely lacking in entertainment. I don't actually give a shit about anything mentioned above lol. Also, Kirk is a closet homosexual.
Professional Killer
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Re: haha

Post by Professional Killer »

Also, Kirk is a closet homosexual.[/quote]

I knew it. Sug meg søta
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »


I hope that was said in jest, in which case, I like that you have a sense of humor.

Also, take a look back at the last 3 tournaments. I assume you are referring to your draft tourney (that I did not play in), MWC (that I hardly played in), and the latest draft tourney (which was me + gkg + myrk on a team... didn't we win that one?). As for this TWS... I agreed to play for the first team that added me on the condition that I wouldn't be showing up much, so ya... I wouldn't take too much pride in "beating me" in a tourney that I show nearly zero interest in.

*disclaimer: I'm really only talking shit because these forums are sorely lacking in entertainment. I don't actually give a shit about anything mentioned above lol. Also, Kirk is a closet homosexual.
I forgot you were on my team for that last tournament, so I guess it will be 3 in a row after TWS.

You seemed to care enough to guarantee a tournament win during the draft tournament you were on Homer's team, but well that didn't work out so well…

So basically what I am getting from this is if you lose a tournament you don't care. Put up or shut up time Adrenaline. I'll be in the finals of MWC if you and NC have the balls to sign up we will see who is better in the finals, well I guess that's if you guys don't manage to get out played by WTC again.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

Recall I was not there for that WTC match. And I doubt anyone on NC cares enough to play in this MWC, considering the majority haven't even signed on since last MWC.

Ah yes... Homer's team. We had a great team, the only problem being that none of our power players ever showed up. I think my prediction was likely based on us having good attendance... which sadly did not even come close to happening.

The fact that you are basing "who is better" on team performance is laughable. You are a role player at best, while I have been a heavy hitter on nearly every team I've ever played for. Apples to oranges, son. And if you are using this MWC as an indicator, then just LOL... you have the first team in, probably been building it for months, and clearly have more care than anyone on GoS (tied with Rawr, maybe)... whereas I may not even play, am generally busy on weekends and have a hard time committing to matches + don't place much importance on a 6-8 team tourney in 2014. Call it Been-There-Done-That syndrome, if you'd like. If I play at all, it will be in a limited capacity, at best.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

Pretty sure this is a team game so it would make perfect sense to say one is better based on team performance. Hmm when you guys played BB they went 1-1-1 with you there, when you weren't and I was getting major units sets they went 2-0, funny how that happened.

So you're throwing in the towel and accepting defeat zzz. You could put together any super team you want with NC guys or not and you would still lose.

BTW activity is overrated and so is care. If you are/were good at the game and you played just last year then all you need is a few tournament matches to be playing at the same level. That is just a made up excuse for people who can't accept the fact that someone else is better than them now.

PS: It might be best for your ego that you don't play. That way you will actually have an excuse for not managing to win a MWC for the 4th year in a row.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

I meant you can't base you INDIVIDUAL skill based on a TEAM'S performance. i.e. Edulus could have played on a team with players like GKG, EW, and Arz and still won MWC. Does this make Edulus a better player than everyone who lost MWC? Learn to comprehend a basic sentence.

Lol listen to you... one MWC win (in 2013...) on the coattails of far better players than yourself, and suddenly you think you are awesome? Reality check, dude... I was a major part of a team that dominated this game for a long time in a far more competitive era than now... I think my ego will survive without a tourney win in 2014. Again... been there, done that, and no longer give a shit.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

No championship team could win with Edulus if he was playing and actually received the same role I did. Hate to break it to you, but I didn't coattail anything, the films are there to prove it.

You have 2 MWC wins with the first one coming in 2009. I wasn't around in 2009, but you act as thought 2010 was more competitive lol? The top teams from 2014 were defiantly better than 2010. I think I have the same amount of 2t tournament wins that you have in a 1 year period, so apparently you and NC truly weren't that dominate.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

MWC07 finals
TWS1 champs
MWC08 finals
TWS2 champs
MWC09 champs
NML10 champs
MWC10 champs
MWC11 finals

I'd call that pretty fucking dominant. I have 6 tourney wins. You have... 1 MWC win. If you are counting shit draft tournies that no one give a fuck about... then just lol. You are gonna lose this dick swinging contest by several inches, bro.
East Wind tmnt
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Re: haha

Post by East Wind tmnt »

NC had a good 2 year run where they won everything - till the infamous '11 finals. 'Smo has improved a lot actually - and you add in capping and game tactics, he's earned a 4.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

adrenaline wrote:MWC07 finals
TWS1 champs
MWC08 finals
TWS2 champs
MWC09 champs
NML10 champs
MWC10 champs
MWC11 finals

I'd call that pretty fucking dominant. I have 6 tourney wins. You have... 1 MWC win. If you are counting shit draft tournies that no one give a fuck about... then just lol. You are gonna lose this dick swinging contest by several inches, bro.
You are going to say that those draft tournaments don't count and you are going to list that NML10 win, just LOL. That was the worst tournament I have ever been a part of. Ok so you have 5 tournament wins and I have 3. It also took you being on a contender every year since 07 to get those wins when I got mine all in a year (I haven't lost a tournament playing with a contender).

Listing MWC finals loses? I guess it's an accomplishment to choke during the most important tournament match in myth.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

You just lost another inch... gonna be swinging a vagina soon, bro.

And quit comparing 4-6 team draft tournies in 2013 to legit, competitive tournaments. You have 1 tournament win, MWC13. The rest were glorified rabble games. Even if I throw out NML10 and the draft tourney, I still have 4 to your 1. And a finals appearance in 07/08 was an accomplishment in itself... especially considering how close the matches were, and the quality of the teams. Keep in mind this was still in the era that actual established teams existed... NC, Np, BIA, Tcox, etc.

Some blatant penis envy there, 'smo.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

Keep talking about the past because you can't win a tournament in the present.

You can't compare era to era, there is no way to prove if myth was any better then than now or vice versa( just because there was more teams it doesn't mean the top teams were better). A tournament win is a tournament win.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

I can't compete in the present? LOL. Jesus burger flipping Christ man... you've lost your mind.
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Re: haha

Post by wwo »

I bet those are good burgers.
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Re: haha

Post by Pogue »

I love it when you two fight. It's adorable. Keep it up.

Toodles <3
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Re: haha

Post by Cutard »

Is asmo the trowing belt guy who used to demand 3 trow on barb all the time then inevitably die to thor? Regardless, I blame adren for everything.
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Re: haha

Post by Giant Killer General »

this is very amusing.

So basically adren can talk shit about being a better BC'er / 1v1er or whatever, but asmo runs circles around adren from a strategist / captain position. Last time I checked MWC was a team tournament. asmo is the only high-caliber captain (GKG-approved) that is active right now, which makes him one-of-a-kind in the current myth competitive scene. The captain can easily be the most important role on a team. What is his competition in capping these days? THOR I guess?

asmo is easily 4, even borderline on 5 just based on his value as a captain. especially if he brings his A-game and stays hungry from the captain's chair, which I think he will given this will be his big chance to captain a team in the MWC finals and win, which will certainly make a statement. how many people can say they captained an mwc championship team in the finals and won? not very many. certainly something that adren, and many other good players will never be capable of doing in all of their years playing the game. that is a big deal.

and yea, it is pretty funny to bring up NML10, TWS victories, or even mwc10 for that matter. those are pretty much the least competitive tournaments ever. Also let's not forget that the majority of the supposed "NC dynasty" was also the start of my own dynasty. Mine began at the same time as NC's, and yet I would be the one most responsible for later ending NC's dynasty for good, meanwhile my dynasty continued on. So how much of their dynasty was really due to the combination of that string of pretty lackluster tournaments (mwc09 being an exception) and the easy ride off of the start of my dynasty? Hrmm...the majority of adren's list of tournament wins with NC's dynasty team doesn't seem quite so magical anymore.
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Re: haha

Post by Cutard »

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Re: haha

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

I beat adrenaline 3-0 left handed.
I beat asmodian by clicking once the entire game.

Therefore, both of you fucking suck ass, and would probably lose to Sight ~deer~

Also, asmo has played longer than adreepagrayhairaline.
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Re: haha

Post by Pogue »

I remember one game where Adren got owned by Phex and Sight. Instant one baller.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

Apparently GKG took his dick out of Asmo's mouth long enough to return the favor! ASMO BORDERLINE 5? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL GKG you have a much better sense of humor than I've previously given you credit for. But credit where credit is due... Asmo is actually a decent captain. That said, he is probably the only one that dedicates himself to that role these days... besides THOR... who really only captains because he can't be trusted with anything else.

And yes, NML was a joke. MWC10 I don't recall being that bad. TWS1 was definitely as good as any MWC in the last several years, and I think TWS was pretty decent as well. You certainly can't compare them to the recent draft tournies, which Asmo seems so intent on doing.

OH AND Hey Kirk, remember when I retired you 4-0 in front of a full game of people, then you faked afk in the last game and never came back? And I've probably been playing longer than you and asmo combined.

And LOL Pogue... I do not remember that, but if it's true then yes, instant 1 baller.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

I think it's funny anyone from NC tries to talk about 'dick riding' when you fools had some NC chat room, just LOL.

Also I have been captaining for awhile and I have always been one of the best at it. THOR being considered the 2nd best captain is a bigger insult to you and the rest of the community than to me. It's not my fault that you failed at it when you attempted to.
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Re: haha

Post by Giant Killer General »

when you are in a position where, when you do your job really really well, it basically adds +1 ball to everyone else on your team because it sets them all up for success so well, a 5 ball is easily warranted to any very good captain regardless of their BC ability. it is a very powerful force multiplier. Really you can't even assign any ball rating to it, it is pretty much invaluable and priceless.

well what is different about the draft tournaments is that while the quality of play amongst the 2 best teams may be lessened, there was arguably a wider spread of that competition due to the draft format. also asmo played a captain role in those draft tournaments, which again, given the draft format, does speak a lot to the captain as they are the core of the team, also picked their own team, and led the team throughout.

mwc10 was the least competitive mwc ever. never before are the 2 finalist teams so obvious from the beginning, and despite one team being captained by one of the worst captains ever (ducky), where ducky's captaining normally leads to a complete blowout for the other team to win, the finals were still amazingly close, and possibly even decided by ghengis having a fire alarm? that is pretty bad.
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Re: haha

Post by Asmodian »

I'm not going to say I'm 5 balls or not, but what I can say is no one should ever be considered 5 balls if you are not a captain. The captain has the biggest effect on the game by far. So the only people who should have ever been considered 5 are GKG and Rabican in his hay day.
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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

whoa whoa whoa... nowhere did i say that THOR is the 2nd best captain... said he is the only other one who cares to try to be a captain these days. gf trying to sleep and mechanical keyboard is driving her nuts... so we can continue this tomorrow ;)
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Re: haha

Post by Cutard »

Well, he's certainly the best trower amongst the captains anyway.
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Re: haha

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

I can make up shit too adrenaline, but I have the films to support everything I've said. Where is your proof of ANYTHING?

At least I can count.

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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

Yes, Kirk... you certainly can make up shit. And sure, it's easy to only save the films of the games you win, while conveniently forgetting about the games you lose. And for the 1000th time, the proof was posted from the mnet game logs and there were 10+ witnesses. Pretty sure WWO hosted a few of the games, too. Anyways... this is old news and we've argued about it endlessly in the past... there is really no point going over it yet again. Now get back in your closet.
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Re: haha

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

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Re: haha

Post by adrenaline »

we are not interested in your relationship status, kirk.
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Re: haha

Post by Pogue »

BIG KROK V8 SS wrote: At least I can count.

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