Grim and tox
Grim and tox
Nice site guys, the effort is greatly appreciated. I figured someone should say thank you, as most won't.
Re: Grim and tox
Yah thanks doods!
Re: Grim and tox
We'll be getting rid of the need for post approval soonish, hold on!
Re: Grim and tox
yeah grim
good job
in the memory of bronson bro and loki hero
good job
in the memory of bronson bro and loki hero
Re: Grim and tox
grim ffs
stop riggin everyting
stop riggin everyting
Re: Grim and tox
Great job grim and company.
Site looks good.
Also i still laugh everytime i read pretty much every article you wrote (and posted to this site).
Site looks good.
Also i still laugh everytime i read pretty much every article you wrote (and posted to this site).
Re: Grim and tox
all your avatars suck
Re: Grim and tox
Weird part is, some people can post just fine while other users wait for pending post approval, like Valentine. Flat and Bronson can post just fine.
Re: Grim and tox
I've posted a news item regarding some of the issues reported. Thanks for the kind words.
Re: Grim and tox

sometimes when i manually redirect to a new address, my browser/the page loses my cookies and logs me out ;/ just fyi !
Re: Grim and tox
I approve of this site
Re: Grim and tox
A reputation system would indeed be quite necessary.enculator wrote:I'm still trying to find the smite button
Re: Grim and tox

avatar suggestion for val
Re: Grim and tox
Flatline wrote:Great job grim and company.
Site looks good.
Also i still laugh everytime i read pretty much every article you wrote (and posted to this site).
LOL I forgot all about ytmnd
Re: Grim and tox
And I just replied to a 6 year old post.
Re: Grim and tox
Referencing a ytmnd from 13 years ago!